Emotional Reactance and Self-Sabotage: When FOMO Get’s In The Way of Your Happiness

Reactance is the negative feeling that emerges when people experience a perceived threat to or loss of their personal freedom. Experiencing reactance can motivate you to either move towards or withdraw from or avoid something or someone.

I’m A Stoic and I Didn’t Know It: The Philosophy of Stoicism

Stoicism is an ancient Greek philosophy developed by Zeno of Citium who lived in modern day Cyprus in 300 B.C. The ideology argues for the development of self-control, fortitude, clear judgement, and inner calm as strategies for overcoming negative emotions and freeing ourselves from suffering. Zeno saw his philosophy as a way of life thatContinue reading “I’m A Stoic and I Didn’t Know It: The Philosophy of Stoicism”

How to Recognize Survival Mode and Get Out of It

I’m sure you’ve heard of the expression “I’m in survival mode” a few times in your life. Maybe you’ve even used it to describe yourself. When you feel like you’re just existing and constantly dealing with stress or hardship, you’re probably in survival mode. Survival mode implies a feeling of lack rather than abundance. PeopleContinue reading “How to Recognize Survival Mode and Get Out of It”

10 Things You Can Do When You Feel Pulled in Different Directions

The feeling of being pulled in different directions is usually a result of over-commitment, difficulty setting boundaries, and procrastination about decision-making. Many people think indecisiveness has to do with thinking the grass is greener on the other side. I disagree. It’s more a case of feeling afraid of making the wrong decision. In short, it’sContinue reading “10 Things You Can Do When You Feel Pulled in Different Directions”

Am I having Pandemic Burnout? Signs of Covid-19 Fatigue and How to Recover When the Crisis Isn’t Over

Health professionals have long talked about the risks of burnout at work and how chronic on-the-job stress can impact our emotional and physical health. But, since the pandemic began, we have all experienced a different kind of burnout. Pandemic Burnout. That said, how is Covid fatigue different from regular burnout? How can we deal withContinue reading “Am I having Pandemic Burnout? Signs of Covid-19 Fatigue and How to Recover When the Crisis Isn’t Over”

How to Bring More Inner Peace into Your Life

There are so many ways to bring more inner peace in your life. Here are just a few of the things I love to do regularly to maintain my sense of peace. These are practices that have helped me transform from an anxiety-ridden, overwhelmed person, into a calmer and happier one. Practicing Mindfulness for InnerContinue reading “How to Bring More Inner Peace into Your Life”

A Gracious Mind and Clear Heart Can Transform Your Life

If you’ve struggled with anxiety, depression, and a chronic unease in your life, you probably wished, like me, that you knew how you could get out of this negative pattern but didn’t quite know how. Over the years, I’ve learned that you CAN change this! If you create new habits and work to transform yourContinue reading “A Gracious Mind and Clear Heart Can Transform Your Life”

The Law of Non-Resistance: Am I Forcing Things to Happen?

Gabby Bernstein says that in a relationship, when one person is growing and the other person isn’t, this creates a disconnect between the two. Forcing a relationship means you’re trying to “make” something happen rather than allowing it to. Are you forcing things to happen rather than allowing them to? Today, I want to talkContinue reading “The Law of Non-Resistance: Am I Forcing Things to Happen?”

How To Cultivate Your Independence And Make Your Relationships Stronger

Autonomy and independence are both defined as the ability to self-govern, to endorse and take ownership of your own actions. People who show less autonomy and are more dependent on others, tend to have lower self-esteem and experience higher stress. They can also develop communication problems, experience negative feelings like anger and guilt, and overContinue reading “How To Cultivate Your Independence And Make Your Relationships Stronger”